UMIN-CTR Clinical Trial

Unique ID issued by UMIN UMIN000045889
Receipt number R000052387
Scientific Title Adaptive, multicenter, randomized, controlled, open trial of the use of early prone positioning in conscious patients with severe COVID-19 without invasive ventilatory support, to prevent invasive mechanical ventilation and death.
Date of disclosure of the study information 2021/10/27
Last modified on 2021/10/28 04:24:10

* This page includes information on clinical trials registered in UMIN clinical trial registed system.
* We don't aim to advertise certain products or treatments

Basic information

Public title

Early awake prone positioning combined with non-invasive oxygen therapy in patients with COVID-19



Scientific Title

Adaptive, multicenter, randomized, controlled, open trial of the use of early prone positioning in conscious patients with severe COVID-19 without invasive ventilatory support, to prevent invasive mechanical ventilation and death.

Scientific Title:Acronym

Adaptive, multicenter, randomized, controlled, open trial of the use of early prone positioning in conscious patients with severe COVID-19 without invasive ventilatory support, to prevent invasive mechanical ventilation and death (APPearl)


North America South America



COVID-19, acute hypoxemic respiratory failure

Classification by specialty

Pneumology Intensive care medicine

Classification by malignancy


Genomic information



Narrative objectives1

To evaluate efficacy of early awake prone positioning in patients with acute hypoxemic respiratory failure due to coronavirus disease (COVID-19) under non-invasive oxygen therapy to prevent intubation and mortality

Basic objectives2


Basic objectives -Others

To evaluate safety and tolerance to awake prone positioning in patients with acute hypoxemic respiratory failure due to coronavirus disease (COVID-19) under non-invasive oxygen therapy, probability of transtition and occupation of 4 clinical states (non-invasive oxygen therapy, invasive mechanical ventilation, domiciliary discharge, and death), and improvement of oxygenation parameters.

Trial characteristics_1


Trial characteristics_2


Developmental phase

Not applicable


Primary outcomes

1. Proportion of patients with orotracheal intubation and invasive mechanical ventilation performed up to 28 days after randomization.
2. Proportion of patients who die up to 28 days after randomization.

Key secondary outcomes

1. Probability of transition and occupation of 4 clinical states (non-invasive oxygen therapy, invasive mechanical ventilation, domiciliary discharge, and death) up to day 28 after randomization.
2. Proportion of patients achieving a SpO2/FiO2 greater than or equal to 236 for at least 12 hours within 28 days after randomization.
3. Proportion of patients achieving the greater than or equal to 12 hours/day in the prone position during the duration of the intervention, up to 28 days after randomization
4. SpO2/FiO2 index at different times (Baseline, 1 hour, 6 hours, 24 hours, 48 hours, and 72 hours).
5. Proportion of patients with complications potentially associated to prone position (accidental vascular access dislodgement, vomit, falls, pressure lesions, and intolerance to prone position) up to 28 days after randomization
6. Proportion of patients who develop acute respiratory distress syndrome (up to 28 days after randomization).
7. Proportion of patients with de novo organic failure during hospital stay (up to 28 days after randomization).
8. Time (days) of hospital stay (up to 28 days after randomization).
9. Time (days) of stay in the intensive care unit (up to 28 days after randomization).
10. Total time (days) of invasive mechanical ventilation (up to 28 days after randomization).
11. Total time (days) of ventilator-free days (up to 28 days after randomization).


Study type


Study design

Basic design




Randomization unit



Open -no one is blinded





Dynamic allocation


Institution consideration

Institution is not considered as adjustment factor.




Central registration


No. of arms


Purpose of intervention


Type of intervention



Intervention - Awake prone positioning.
The intervention consists of self- or assisted positioning in the decubitus recumbent prone position (bed header at 0 grades) for as much as possible, with the possibility to alternate between complete prone position for 30 min to 2 hours, followed by lateral prone position for 30 min to 2 hours, followed by supine position (bed header 30-60 grades), followed by lateral prone position for 30 min to 2 hours, ending the cycle with 30 min to 2 hours in the prone position. These cycles are intended to increase patient comfort and can be repeated as many times as possible. Time in every position will be quantified.
The intervention will be performed until the patient achieves a SpO2/FiO2 index greater than or equal to 235 with an oxygen device providing inspired oxygen fraction (FiO2) lower than 40%, for 12 continuous hours. If this happens, it will be considered as therapeutic success and the patient will be asked to interrupt prone positioning. If the patient does not meet these criteria during the 28-day follow-up, it will be considered as treatment failure. If the patient undergoes orotracheal intubation and invasive mechanical ventilation, it will also be considered as treatment failure and prone positioning will be performed unless the patient has contraindications hemodynamic instability.


Control - Supine recumbent position.
Patients in the control group will be encouraged to remain in the decubitus recumbent supine position (bed header 30-60 grades) for as much as possible. Patients will be able to freely choose any other position. The number of hours spent in all positions will be quantified, including lateral and complete prone positions. Patients in the control group will not be advised to follow the positioning cycle described for the intervention group.
If the patient achieves a SpO2/FiO2 index greater than or equal to 235 with an oxygen device providing inspired oxygen fraction (FiO2) lower than 40%, for 12 continuous hours, the patient will no longer be encouraged to remain in the supine recumbent position and this will be considered as success in the supine position.
If the patient does not meet these criteria during the 28-day follow-up, it will be considered as failure. If the patient undergoes orotracheal intubation and invasive mechanical ventilation, it will also be considered as failure and prone positioning will be performed unless the patient has hemodynamic instability.










Age-lower limit

18 years-old <

Age-upper limit

Not applicable


Male and Female

Key inclusion criteria

1. Patient hospitalized in non-critical wards, with at least 12 hours of hospital stay but no longer than 48 hours at the moment of randomization.
2. Severe COVID-19 according to the following criteria:
a. Symptoms of COVID-19, with 1 or more of the following
i. Tachypnea (greater than or equal to 30 breaths per minute)
ii. Peripheral oxygen saturation (SpO2) at room air (FiO2 21%) lower than or equal to 93% at sea level (lower than or equal to 89% in Mexico City) at any moment of current hospitalization.
iii. PaO2/FiO2 ratio <300
iv. Pulmonary infiltrates >50% in imaging study performed in the last 24 to 48 hours.
3. Oxygen therapy with a device providing a FiO2 greater than or equal to 40%
a. Low-flow nasal cannula with at least 5 liters per minute.
b. Non-rebreather mask
c. High-flow nasal cannula without imminent requirement of orotracheal intubation (ROX index greater than or equal to 4.88)
4. The participant understands the intervention, randomization, follow-up and provides their written informed consent prior to randomization.

Key exclusion criteria

1. Patients in palliative care
2. Patients with imminent orotracheal intubation according to refractory hypoxemia with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), acute respiratory acidosis (pH < 7.15, PaCO2 >45 mmHg) with ARDS, requirement of airway protection.
3. Patients with unsolved shock (reanimation phase or norepinephrine dose greater than or equal to 0.15 mcg/kg/min).
4. Unstable arrythmias (bradycardia o tachycardia).
5. Mental agitation or altered mental state (Glasgow Comma Scale <10 points) that would impede cooperation to self-prone.
6. Instability of the pelvis, vertebral column, or femur due to recent surgery or trauma.
7. Anatomical alterations that limit the adoption of prone position (severe kyphoscoliosis, muscle contracture, or other).
8. Abdominal surgery in the last 15 days.
9. Thoracic lesion or surgery in the last 15 days.
10. Pregnancy
11. Intracranial hypertension
12. Deep vein thrombosis in the last 2 days.
13. Heart pacemaker surgery in the last 2 days.
14. Chest tube with air leak
15. Recent facial trauma or surgery
16. Morbid obesity (BMI >40 kg/m2)
17. Pressure lesions or ulcers

Target sample size


Research contact person

Name of lead principal investigator

1st name Jose
Middle name de Jesus
Last name Vidal-Mayo


Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Medicas y Nutricion Salvador Zubiran

Division name

Intensive Care Unit

Zip code



Av. Vasco de Quiroga 15, Col. Belisario Dominguez Seccion XVI, Tlalpan 14080, Mexico City, Mexico




Public contact

Name of contact person

1st name Jose
Middle name de Jesus
Last name Vidal-Mayo


Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Medicas y Nutricion Salvador Zubiran

Division name

Intensive Care Unit

Zip code



Av. Vasco de Quiroga 15, Col. Belisario Dominguez Seccion XVI, Tlalpan 14080, Mexico City, Mexico



Homepage URL


Sponsor or person


Mexican Secretariat of Health
Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Medicas y Nutricion Salvador Zubiran.
Intensive Care Unit



Personal name

Funding Source


Mexican Secretariat of Health
Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Medicas y Nutricion Salvador Zubiran.
Intensive Care Unit



Category of Funding Organization

Government offices of other countries

Nationality of Funding Organization


Other related organizations


Name of secondary funder(s)

IRB Contact (For public release)


Research and Ethics Committee of the Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Medicas y Nutricion Salvador Zubiran


Av. Vasco de Quiroga 15, Col. Belisario Dominguez Seccion XVI, Tlalpan 14080, Mexico City, Mexico




Secondary IDs

Secondary IDs


Study ID_1


Org. issuing International ID_1

Universal Trial Number - World Health Organization

Study ID_2


Org. issuing International ID_2

Research and Ethics Committee of the Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Medicas y Nutricion Salvador Zubiran




Other administrative information

Date of disclosure of the study information

2021 Year 10 Month 27 Day

Related information

URL releasing protocol

Publication of results



URL related to results and publications

Number of participants that the trial has enrolled


Results date posted

Results Delayed

Results Delay Reason

Date of the first journal publication of results

Baseline Characteristics

Participant flow

Adverse events

Outcome measures

Plan to share IPD

IPD sharing Plan description


Recruitment status

Enrolling by invitation

Date of protocol fixation

2021 Year 03 Month 09 Day

Date of IRB

2021 Year 03 Month 12 Day

Anticipated trial start date

2021 Year 09 Month 02 Day

Last follow-up date

2023 Year 09 Month 01 Day

Date of closure to data entry

Date trial data considered complete

Date analysis concluded


Other related information

Management information

Registered date

2021 Year 10 Month 27 Day

Last modified on

2021 Year 10 Month 28 Day

Link to view the page


Research Plan
Registered date File name

Research case data specifications
Registered date File name

Research case data
Registered date File name